Continue Gradient From Div Onto Svg Css

CSS Gradients

CSS gradients display progressive transitions between two or more specified colors. Gradients can be used in backgrounds.

There are three types of gradients:

  • Linear Gradients
  • Radial Gradients
  • Conic Gradients

Linear Gradients

The linear-gradient creates an image that consists of a smooth transition between two or more colors along a straight line. It can have a starting point and a direction along with the gradient effect.


                              background-image:                linear-gradient(direction, color1, color2, ...);            

Top to Bottom

Linear gradients transition from top to bottom, by default.

Example of a linear gradient from top to bottom:

                              <!DOCTYPE                  html>                <html>                <head>                <title>Title of the document</title>                <style>                                  .gradient                  {                  height:                  300px;                  background-color: blue;                  background-image:                  linear-gradient(#0052b0,                  #b340b3);        }                                </style>                </head>                <body>                <div                  class="gradient">                </div>                </body>                </html>                          

We add background-color for browsers that do not support gradients.

Left to Right

Changing a linear-gradient rotation specifying the direction starting from left transitioning to right.

Example of a linear gradient from left to right:

                              <!DOCTYPE                  html>                <html>                <head>                <title>Title of the document</title>                <style>                                  .gradient                  {                  height:                  300px;                  background-color: blue;                  background-image:                  linear-gradient(to right,                  #0052b0                  ,#b340b3);        }                                </style>                </head>                <body>                <div                  class="gradient">                </div>                </body>                </html>                          

Diagonal gradients

Gradients can be run diagonally specifying both the horizontal and vertical starting positions. It starts at the top left and goes to the bottom right.

Example of the diagonal gradient:

                              <!DOCTYPE                  html>                <html>                <head>                <title>Title of the document</title>                <style>                                  .gradient                  {                  height:                  300px;                  background-color: blue;                  background-image:                  linear-gradient(to bottom right,                  #0052b0,                  #b340b3);        }                                </style>                </head>                <body>                <div                  class="gradient">                </div>                </body>                </html>                          

Using Angles

Define an angle instead of directions to take more control over the gradient direction. 0deg creates a vertical gradient transitioning from bottom to top, 90deg creates a horizontal gradient transitioning from left to right. Specifying negative angles will run in a counterclockwise direction.

Example of a linear gradient with a specified angle:

                              <!DOCTYPE                  html>                <html>                <head>                <title>Title of the document</title>                <style>                                  .gradient                  {                  height:                  300px;                  background-color: blue;                  background-image:                  linear-gradient(70deg,                  #0052b0,                  #b340b3);        }                                </style>                </head>                <body>                <div                  class="gradient">                </div>                </body>                </html>                          

Multiple Colors Effect

CSS gradient colors vary with position producing smooth color transitions. There is no limit in using colors.

Example of a linear gradient with multiple colors effect:

                              <!DOCTYPE                  html>                <html>                <head>                <title>Title of the document</title>                <style>                                  .gradient                  {                  height:                  300px;                  background-color: blue;                  background-image:                  linear-gradient(#f50707,                  #f56e00,#f7df00,                  #66f507,                  #0052b0,                  #520f41,                  #ff0856);        }                                </style>                </head>                <body>                <div                  class="gradient">                </div>                </body>                </html>                          

We can also create a linear gradient with multiple colors effect specifying a direction. You can give each color zero, one, or two percentage or absolute length values. 0% indicates the starting point, while 100% indicates the ending point.

Example of a linear gradient with multiple colors from left to right:

                              <!DOCTYPE                  html>                <html>                <head>                <title>Title of the document</title>                <style>                                  .gradient                  {                  height:                  300px;                  background-color: blue;                  background-image:                  linear-gradient(to right,                  #f50707,                  #f56e00,#f7df00,                  #66f507,                  #0052b0,                  #520f41,                  #ff0856);        }                                </style>                </head>                <body>                <div                  class="gradient">                </div>                </body>                </html>                          

Example of a linear gradient with multiple colors from right to left:

                              <!DOCTYPE                  html>                <html>                <head>                <title>Title of the document</title>                <style>                                  .gradient                  {                  height:                  300px;                  background-color: blue;                  background-image:                  linear-gradient(to left,                  #f50707,                  #f56e00,#f7df00,                  #66f507,                  #0052b0,                  #520f41,                  #ff0856);        }                                </style>                </head>                <body>                <div                  class="gradient">                </div>                </body>                </html>                          


Gradients support transparency, so you can use multiple backgrounds to achieve a transparent effect. To achieve it, you can use the rgba() function for defining the color stops. The last parameter in the rgba() function can be a value from 0 to 1 which will define the transparency of the color. 0 indicates full transparency, 1 indicates full color.

Example of a linear gradient from full color to transparent:

                              <!DOCTYPE                  html>                <html>                <head>                <title>Title of the document</title>                <style>                                  .gradient                  {                  height:                  200px;                  background-image:                  linear-gradient(to left,                  rgba(235,                  117,                  253,                  0),                  rgba(235,                  117,                  253,                  1));       }                                </style>                </head>                <body>                <div                  class="gradient">                </div>                </body>                </html>                          

Repeating Linear Gradient

Use repeating-linear-gradient() function to repeat a linear gradient. The colors get cycled over and over again as the gradient repeats.

Example of a repeated linear gradient:

                              <!DOCTYPE                  html>                <html>                <head>                <title>Title of the document</title>                <style>                                  .gradient                  {                  height:                  200px;                  background-color: blue;                  background-image:                  repeating-linear-gradient(55deg,                  #d5b6de,                  #6c008a                  7%,                  #036ffc                  10%);       }                                </style>                </head>                <body>                <div                  class="gradient">                </div>                </body>                </html>                          

Radial Gradients

Radial gradients radiate out from a central point. For creating a radial gradient at least two color stops must be specified. Radial gradients can be circular or elliptical.

                              background-image:                radial-gradient(shape size at position, start-color, ..., last-color);            

Example of a radial gradient with three colors:

                              <!DOCTYPE                  html>                <html>                <head>                <title>Title of the document</title>                <style>                                  .gradient                  {                  height:                  250px;                  width:                  250px;                  background-color: blue;                  background-image:                  radial-gradient(                  #ff0509,                  #fff700,                  #05ff33);        }                                </style>                </head>                <body>                <div                  class="gradient">                </div>                </body>                </html>                          

Positioning Radial Color Stops

Like linear gradients, radial gradients also take a specified position and absolute length.

Example of differently spaced color stops:

                              <!DOCTYPE                  html>                <html>                <head>                <title>Title of the document</title>                <style>                                  .gradient                  {                  height:                  250px;                  width:                  250px;                  background-color: blue;                  background-image:                  radial-gradient(                  #ff0509                  10%,                  #fff700                  20%,                  #05ff33                  80%);       }                                </style>                </head>                <body>                <div                  class="gradient">                </div>                </body>                </html>                          

Positioning Center of Radial Gradient

You can also specify the center position of the gradient with percentage, or absolute lengths.

Example of a radial gradient with positioned center:

                              <!DOCTYPE                  html>                <html>                <head>                <title>Title of the document</title>                <style>                                  .gradient                  {                  height:                  250px;                  width:                  250px;                  background-color: blue;                  background-image:                  radial-gradient(at                  0%                  30%,                  #ff0509                  10px,                  #fff700                  30%,                  #05ff33                  50%);        }                                </style>                </head>                <body>                <div                  class="gradient">                </div>                </body>                </html>                          

Radial Gradient Shape

The shape parameter defines the shape of the radial gradient. It can take two values: circle or ellipse. The default value is an ellipse.

Example of radial gradient shape:

                              <!DOCTYPE                  html>                <html>                <head>                <title>                Title of the document</title>                <style>                                  .gradient1                  {                  height:                  150px;                  width:                  200px;                  background-color: blue;                  background-image:                  radial-gradient(red, yellow, green);       }                  .gradient2                  {                  height:                  150px;                  width:                  200px;                  background-color: blue;                  background-image:                  radial-gradient(circle, red, yellow, green);        }                                </style>                </head>                <body>                <h2>Ellipse:</h2>                <div                  class="gradient1">                </div>                <h2>Circle:</h2>                <div                  class="gradient2">                </div>                </body>                </html>                          

Sizing Radial Gradient

Unlike linear gradients, the size of the radial gradients can be specified. The values are:

  • closest-corner
  • closest-side
  • farthest-corner(default)
  • farthest-side.

Example of radial gradients with specified size:

                              <!DOCTYPE                  html>                <html>                <head>                <title>Title of the document</title>                <style>                                  .gradient1                  {                  height:                  150px;                  width:                  150px;                  background-color: blue;                  background-image:                  radial-gradient(closest-side at                  60%                  55%,                  #ff0509,                  #fff700,                  #103601);        }                  .gradient2                  {                  height:                  150px;                  width:                  150px;                  background-color: blue;                  background-image:                  radial-gradient(farthest-side at                  60%                  55%,                  #ff0509,                  #fff700,                  #103601);        }                  .gradient3                  {                  height:                  150px;                  width:                  150px;                  background-color: blue;                  background-image:                  radial-gradient(closest-corner at                  60%                  55%,                  #ff0509,                  #fff700,                  #103601);        }                  .gradient4                  {                  height:                  150px;                  width:                  150px;                  background-color: blue;                  background-image:                  radial-gradient(farthest-corner at                  60%                  55%,                  #ff0509,                  #fff700,                  #103601);        }                                </style>                </head>                <body>                <h2>closest-side:</h2>                <div                  class="gradient1">                </div>                <h2>farthest-side:</h2>                <div                  class="gradient2">                </div>                <h2>closest-corner:</h2>                <div                  class="gradient3">                </div>                <h2>farthest-corner:</h2>                <div                  class="gradient4">                </div>                </body>                </html>                          

Repeating Radial Gradient

The repeating-radial-gradient() CSS function creates an image that consists of repeating gradients radiating from an origin.

Example of the repeated radial gradient:

                              <!DOCTYPE                  html>                <html>                <head>                <style>                                  .gradient                  {                  height:                  200px;                  width:                  200px;                  background-color: blue;                  background-image:                  repeating-radial-gradient(#f70000,                  #f7da00                  10%,                  #005cfa                  15%);        }                                </style>                </head>                <body>                <div                  class="gradient">                </div>                </body>                </html>                          

Conic Gradients

The conic-gradient creates an image that consists of a gradient with color transitions rotating around a center point.

                              background-image:                conic-gradient(color1, color2);            

Example of a basic conic gradient:

                              <!DOCTYPE                  html>                <html>                <head>                <title>Title of the document</title>                <style>                                  .gradient                  {                  height:                  250px;                  width:                  250px;                  background-color: blue;                  background:                  conic-gradient(#ff0000,                  #fff200);       }                                </style>                </head>                <body>                <div                  class="gradient">                </div>                </body>                </html>                          

Positioning Conic Center

Like radial gradients, the center of the conic gradient can be positioned with percentage, or absolute lengths, with the "at" keyword.

Example of a conic gradient with positioned center:

                              <!DOCTYPE                  html>                <html>                <head>                <title>Title of the document</title>                <style>                                  .gradient                  {                  height:                  250px;                  width:                  250px;                  background-color: blue;                  background:                  conic-gradient(at                  0%                  50%, red                  10%, yellow                  30%,                  #1eff00                  60%);       }                                </style>                </head>                <body>                <div                  class="gradient">                </div>                </body>                </html>                          

Changing the Angle

The angle of the conic gradient can be rotated with the "from" keyword.

Example of conic gradient with rotated angle:

                              <!DOCTYPE                  html>                <html>                <head>                <title>Title of the document</title>                <style>                                  .gradient                  {                  height:                  250px;                  width:                  250px;                  background-color: blue;                  background:                  conic-gradient(from                  35deg,                  #ff0000,                  #ffa600,                  #fcf000,                  #03ff0f,                  #be05fc,                  #ff0095);       }                                </style>                </head>                <body>                <div                  class="gradient">                </div>                </body>                </html>                          

Repeating Conic Gradient

The repeating-conic-gradient() CSS function creates an image that consists of a repeating gradient with color transitions rotating around a center point.

Example of the repeated conic gradient:

                              <!DOCTYPE                  html>                <html>                <head>                <title>Title of the document</title>                <style>                                  .gradient                  {                  height:                  250px;                  width:                  250px;                  background-color: blue;                  background:                  repeating-conic-gradient(from -45deg, red                  45deg, orange, yellow, green, blue                  225deg);       }                                </style>                </head>                <body>                <div                  class="gradient">                </div>                </body>                </html>                  


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